In fact, it looked like the only option besides letting the company die a slow death in a vicious market. 事实上,除了让黑莓在这个恶性竞争的市场中慢性死亡之外,被收购似乎是它的唯一选择。
Then, nearly unconscious fromblood loss, he was forced to drag a cumbersome cross up a hill, was nailed to it, and was left to die the slow, excruciating torture of death by crucifixion. 当他濒临失血过多,几乎失去知觉时,还被迫拖著那笨重的十架上山,被钉,忍受死亡的煎熬,然后慢慢被凌虐而死。
The NGOs that oppose shark fin consumption aim to protect the decreasing number of sharks in the ocean and stop shark-finning, a practice that condemns the finless sharks to a slow death. 那些反对鱼翅消费的非政府组织致力于保护海洋中鲨鱼数量的减少,制止削鳍行为的发生&这种行为致使那些失去鳍的鲨鱼慢慢消亡。
After the fins are sliced off, sharks are discarded back to the ocean where they are condemned to a slow, agonizing death due to diminished speed and maneuverability. 鲨鱼的鱼鳍被切下来之后,就被遗弃扔回大海,没有了鱼鳍,它们的速度和灵活性会降低,只能痛苦地等待漫长死亡的来临。
Every year tens of millions of sharks die a slow death because of finning. 每年,由于鱼翅买卖,数千万条鲨鱼在海底静静地等待死亡。
Venice seems like a wonderful city in which to die a slow and alcoholic death, or to lose a loved one, or to lose the murder weapon with which the loved one was lost in the first place. 威尼斯似乎是个适合慢慢酒精中毒身亡,或失去爱人,或爱人遇难后丢弃凶器的城市。
The heart dies, a slow death shading each hopes like leaves, until one day there are not, no hopes, nothing remains. 我心已死,是一种慢慢的死。带着第一个希望,直到有一天没有一切,没有希望。没有什么东西剩下。
A decade ago, HIV infection meant a slow but certain and often painful death for most people in the developing world. 十年前,对发展中世界的许多人而言,艾滋病毒感染意味着不可避免的缓慢且往往痛苦的死亡。
I know I'm drinking myself to a slow death, but then I'm in no hurry. 我知道酗酒会导致慢性死亡,但是我不是很急。
Leslie Stephen suffered a slow death from stomach cancer, he died in1904. 莱斯利.斯蒂芬得了胃癌,慢慢地受着死亡折磨,他于1904年去世。
Smoking can cause a slow and painful death. 吸烟能够引起慢性疼痛性死亡。
Indeed, this is precisely what one would expect from an oil era entering a long, slow death throe: each time output throttles up, oil prices rebound, purchasing power drops and the economy stalls. 事实上,这正是石油时代进入漫长而缓慢的濒危状态人们预期会看到的情形:每次产出加大油门,就会导致油价反弹,购买力下降,经济停滞。
And will the availability of so much free online journalism also doom their pricier print editions to a slow death? 而如此之多的免费在线新闻,会否注定更昂贵的印刷版报纸将慢慢消亡呢?
Actually, what they really enjoy is watching a fellow human die a slow, lingering death, such cruelty giving them as much glee as a child gets from killing a puppy. 他们却爱看千刀万剐他们的同类,象小儿割宰一只小狗那么残忍与痛快。
One reason for the slow rise of the death toll was the focus by the machinery on saving lives instead of recovering bodies. 死亡人数慢慢上升的原因之一就是关注点在救人,而不是发现尸体。
She faces a slow lingering death if the cancer isn't treated now. 若现在不对她的癌症加以治疗,她所面临的就会是漫长而痛苦的死亡。
It is the realized key legislatively about the light and slow penalty that reduces death penalty charge, perfects the structure of penalty and processes non-crime to the non-victim crime. 宽严相济是新的历史时期我国基本的刑事政策,刑罚轻缓则是宽严相济刑事政策的核心。
For me, son, that was slow death. 对我和我的孩子来说这比死还难受。
Edit: Also, the Egyptian Cobra, while very painful, is not a slow death. 编辑:另外,埃及眼镜蛇的毒虽然很痛苦,但能让人迅速死亡。
This may sound like shock therapy, but it is better than a slow death by starvation. 这可能听起来像是休克疗法,但它好过因缺乏资金而慢慢死亡。
A slow, agonizing death. 缓慢的、令人痛苦的死亡。
By the turn of the keyboard keys running around, running a small penguins slow death! 交替按键盘左右键跑步,跑慢了小企鹅就死定了!
Charles, returning from his trip, arrived too late to save her from a slow, painful death. 查尔斯从外地回来已为时太晚,来不及把她从缓慢而痛苦的死亡中救出来。
The poor girl died a slow and excruciating death. 这可怜的女孩死得既慢且极痛苦。
Jobs arrested Apple's slow death spiral and even put some oomph back into the pioneering computer firm he helped found. 乔伯斯被APPLE公司慢耗损的螺线所吸引,他甚至为这家他帮助创立的电脑公付出了较大的努力。
Farmer Fleming saved the lad from what could have been a slow and terrifying death. 农民弗莱明把少年救了出来,否则小男孩将慢慢的沉下去,可怕的死去。
Thoughts of a slow death consumed me. 慢慢死去的想法将我吞噬。
You want to die a slow death here like dad? 你想要和爸爸一样在这里慢慢等死吗?
Drought and salinity stress is detrimental for the growth and development of plants, resulting in the slow growth or even death of crops. 干旱与盐害严重影响植物的生长发育,造成作物的生长缓慢甚至死亡。